For President and Country

Watching the missiles approach, Jackson knew there was nowhere to run. He took a last, deep breath, inhaling the scent of the ocean breeze, his eyes on the sky, a smile creasing his lips. It was a perfect day to die. Weeks later, he awoke in a rehab center, wondering how he was alive? “It is so good to finally meet you Mr. Black. Permit me to introduce myself. I am Antonio Raven of Club Dread. It took me years for this precise opportunity to happen, to capture the CIA’s foremost spy. We re-created you to work for us.” So, it was no accident he was here! Raven explained in concise detail how the Club had influence and control over world criminal groups, including Mexican cartels. They were biohackers who had succeeded in storing consciousness in digital form, perfecting manipulation of brain and body through radical experimentation. Their agenda — to replace world and corporate leaders with bio-hacked clones that they alone controlled. The microchip installed in Jackson, although vastly improving his performance, also allowed Club Dread control. The man sitting next to his bed made it quite clear what Jackson would do for them. His tone was level, almost friendly, the tone sinister; he was a villain, nothing less. “I need to escape. I must get this chip out,” Jackson thought. “For President and Country and the fate of humanity!” . . . Anticipated completion  July to August 2022.